Energy Saving Tip by Flamingo: Use a fan in the summer Heating & CoolingJames YangMay 18, 2017fan, summer, flamingoComment
Energy Saving Tip by Seal: Install a programmable thermostat Heating & CoolingJames YangMay 14, 2017programmable thermostat, seal, installComment
Energy Saving Tip by Caribou: Set the water heater to 120⁰F and install insulation blanket Heating & CoolingJames YangMay 11, 2017water heater, install, insulation blanket, caribou, reindeerComment
Energy Saving Tip by Pika: Caulk or weather strip doors and windows Heating & CoolingJames YangMay 10, 2017caulk, weatherstrip, weatherstripping, pika, doors, windows Comments
Energy Saving Tip by Frog: Clean dirty AC air filter monthly Heating & CoolingJames YangMay 6, 2017frog, air conditioner, AC, air filter Comments
Energy Saving Tip by Orangutan: Close blinds in the summer and open blinds in the winter Heating & CoolingJames YangMay 2, 2017blinds, orangutanComment